Why Are English Classes So Important?

There are always lots of activities going on at our Integration Hub, including English classes! Upbeat English Tutor & Integration Worker, Elliot, tells us why English classes are so important.


Upbeat provides free English lessons for several reasons. They’re free, ‘cause who on earth can afford them? The people we work with haven’t got much money, so they need to be free.

People need English to integrate, people need English to get a job. But our lessons are very important because you can’t go to college until you’ve been here at least six months, so we can fill in that gap for people whilst they are waiting, when they are the most needy and, maybe, at their most vulnerable.

Also, people come to our English classes when they are actually at college, because the college doesn’t actually offer many hours of classes a week. So, some people choose to supplement their English with what we do.

But in addition to that, it’s about going somewhere, it’s about having a reason to get up in the morning. A reason to look smart, have a routine and make some friends. I think it’s really important.

One of the things I’ve really, really enjoyed about teaching English is when you get a new learner who comes along for a while, and after a while they become a translator for someone who’s even newer. I saw it happen just the other day, and I thought, that is just great! They’re no longer new; they are the teacher for the newcomer.

Seeing that progress, and seeing them help someone else, is such a reward for me.

We rely heavily on donations from generous people to be able to offer English classes, support groups, and lots of other activities. You can help us keep showing up for those seeking refuge by making a monthly, or one-off, donation at upbeatcommunities.org/donate. Thank you.

Upbeat Communities